The Open Access Button is now built by OA.Works. Same people, new name! Read more about our rebrand.
The Open Data Button has now merged with the Open Access Button. Your account and request will stay the same, but you'll need to get the new plugin. For more on the changes see our blog.
Thanks for your support! Team Button has now merged with the Open Access Button and our Request system.
While itself is fully responsive and works at all screen sizes, this set up doesn't. The setup system lets you interactive and adjust the alongside detailed explainations of what you're seeing and why. That just doesn't work so well on a phone.
Please come back on your computer.
We're in Beta. Schedule a time to get demos / help with setup. Please report problems if you find them.
Share your paper with help from the library in ScholarWorks. Legally, for free, in minutes. Join millions of researchers sharing their papers freely with colleagues and the public.
We’ll gather information about your paper and find the easiest way to share it.
Great news, you’re already getting the benefits of sharing your work! Your publisher or co-author have already shared it.
Unlike most, the journal requires that you ask them before you share your paper freely. Asking only takes a moment as we find out who to contact and have drafted an email for you.
Great news, you’re already getting the benefits of sharing your work! Your publisher or co-author have already shared a freely available copy (opens in a new tab).
The library has checked and the journal encourages you to freely share your paper so colleagues and the public can freely read and cite it.
This is the only version you’re able to share under copyright. The accepted manuscript is the word file or Latex export you sent the publisher after peer-review and before formatting (publisher proofs).
It’s normal to share accepted manuscripts as the research is the same. It’s fine to save your file as a pdf, make small edits to formatting, fix typos, remove comments, and arrange figures.
We checked and unfortunately the journal won’t let you share your paper freely with everyone.
The good news is the library can still legally make your paper much easier to find and access. We’ll put the publisher PDF in ScholarWorks and then share it on your behalf whenever it is requested.
We’ll use this to send you a link. By depositing, you’re agreeing to our .
We’ll only use this if something goes wrong.
We’ll only use this to send you a link to your paper when it is in ScholarWorks. By depositing, you’re agreeing to the .
By depositing, you’re agreeing to the . You must also license your work CC-BY.
It looks like what you uploaded is a publisher’s PDF which your journal prohibits legally sharing.
You’re nearly done. We need the accepted version, not the PDF from the journal site.
You’ve done your part for now. Hopefully, we’ll send you a link soon. First, we’ll check to make sure it’s legal to share.
Check back soon to see your paper live, or we’ll email you with issues.
You can now put the link on your website, CV, any profiles, and ResearchGate.
Check back soon to see your paper live, or we’ll email you with issues.
We’ll email you a link to your paper in ScholarWorks soon. Next time, before you publish check to see if your journal allows you to have the most impact by making your research available to everyone, for free.
All that’s left to do is wait. Once the journal gives you permission to share, come back and we’ll help you finish the job.
Logging in allows us to save your settings, but you can test and try it without doing so
By using for Libraries you agree to the Open Access Button privacy policy and terms of service.
Click the link or use the code to login.
Congrats, you already have partly set up! As you complete the steps below you’ll be able to customize further and we’ll show you more of what the tool can do. It requires no coding or systems expertise and doesn’t take long.
At any time you can test, with your settings, on the left. Nothing will be uploaded, but we’ll respond as if it did. It’ll work just like it would on your website, although it won’t be styled to fit with your brand yet.
Get working with your:
Once set up, it's time to: can work with any repository. Our job is to make it easy for authors to do a legal deposit, and then get the files to you as conveniently as possible.
By default, we’ll email you the files and associated metadata and permissions information.
How would you like to get deposits into your repository?
In all these cases, we want to export this in the easiest format for your repository. If you make a converter (e.g to take spreadsheets we give and make it easy to put in DSpace or Bepress), please let us know and we’ll build it in!
We will always email you whenever you get a deposit. Currently, you can’t turn these off.
If you'd like you can download an example email.
If you have a lot of deposits, it might make sense to do bulk uploads. If you’re not sure how to do bulk uploads, consult the help documents for your system.
We can export your deposit activity as a .csv. You can download:
And you can get them from the following date
If you don't have any deposits yet you can download an example.
Your repository may already support automatic ingestion of content from OAI-PMH feeds. If so, here’s how to generate one from your account.
Go to Zenodo and set up a community. These can be used to generate OAI-PMH feeds from the content we’re putting in Zenodo.
Go here to finish set up by sharing your community url.
Your OAI-PMH feed can be found on the community homepage and can take a number of formats.
Please note, we can’t do this retroactively for your deposits.
Every account comes with an API that developers and the very curious can use to see all the activity.
This can be used to automatically ingest content that comes through your account. You can learn how to use it in our developer documentation.
We plan to use SWORD to enable direct deposits into your repository, witout putting them in Zenodo, while still hopefully still providing an instant link to authors.
Since setting this up for your repository will take work on our part, we can only provide this to libraries who support our work through our leadership tier. To find our more, go here.
That’s no problem! You can keep it that way, or we can even help you set up a free, lightweight, code-free repository with all the essential features of a repository.
This is because we deposit all files into Zenodo. Zenodo is an open-source, community-owned general repository funded by CERN and the European Commission. It excellently managed, has a strong track record, and strong preservations plans.
If you’d like to make your own Institutional Repository, you can get the vast majority of the features by using Zenodo Communities.
For your community, you’ll be able to:
The service is free, and you don’t need to manage or maintain anything. Zenodo is actively developing this to be more powerful.
Go here to finish set up by sharing your community url.
To get to link to your community, let us know the URL.
These questions help make sure performs how you and authors expect. There are multiple parts to this, and you’ll be able to set up your preferences for different types of deposit, metadata, and more.
What is the name of your repository?
Where can we find the terms and conditions of usage for your repository
How do people currently do deposits?
This can either be a link, for example to a deposit form, or an email address if you only do mediated deposit.
When something is Open Access already, we let authors know!
You have a choice: by default, we let scholars confirm they want it in your repository, too. Or, if you’d prefer not to, we won’t..
Turn off the ability to deposit already open access content?
Occasionally, subscription journals will allow you to deposit a publisher's PDF. If they do, we know that, and will show that option.
Right now, there is nothing to configure here, we’re just letting you know. Soon, we’ll let you have authors only give their email address, not the file, to confirm deposit. That’ll make it a bit easier for authors, and a bit more work for you.
Request-only deposit is where publisher PDFs which can’t be shared openly are stored in the repository and only accessible on request. It's often known as dark deposit. This process allows on-request access instead of systematic distribution.
Note: When we come out of testing, we'll let you change this!
Would you like to turn off dark deposit?
Please note. We recommend against this, as it allows authors to always make their work more available. If you turn it off, the tool will suggest they request permissions from the journal.
We gather almost all essential metadata automatically, however, we plan to allow customized manual metadata input after deposit (e.g department info).
Since this will take work on our part, we can only provide this to libraries who support our work through our leadership tier. To find our more, go here.
Of course, at any time, you’re free to put cover sheets on what we give you, but doing it this way gives you less work and is how we sustain the tool.
We want to make sure your authors work looks professional, and shares your brand. To do that, we plan to add cover sheets to each record.
Since this will take work on our part, we can only provide this to libraries who support our work through our leadership tier. To find our more, go here.
Of course, at any time, you’re free to put coversheets on what we give you, but doing it this way gives you less work and is how we sustain the tool.
If you have an Open Access Policy that gives your patrons more rights to deposit (i.e Harvard style), you can tell us about it. If you don’t, or only have a policy that encourages deposit, you can skip this.
What is your institutions’ Research Organization Registry ID (ROR ID)?
You can find the ID here. If there isn’t a ROR for the institution with the policy, e.g a University Library, choose the university instead. can be integrated onto any webpage on your website, and blend in with your brand. For instance, you can put it in your Libguide, on the repository website, and more!
To get up and running copy and paste the following into the source code (HTML) (or ask a developer to):
<div id="shareyourpaper"></div> <script src=""></script> <script>_oab=shareyourpaper({config: {}});</script>
Then, you should be good to go! If not, review our advanced settings.
If you can't get on your site, we can set you up a page on ours. Just get in touch.
You can control where the search widget gets displayed by moving:
<div id="shareyourpaper"></div>
If you put the scripts in your `head` you may see a performance improvement.
If the script doesn't work, the system that runs your website (CMS) may be removing the script. This can sometimes be prevented by putting the code we provide between `<form></form>` or `<p></p>` elements.
If you don’t think it’s styled correctly, a developer can help you. If you have one, great, if not reach out.
We include a small amount of CSS with InstantILL to make it look nice. You can override that:
We also use Bootstrap class names as a fallback option, these are btn btn-primary on buttons, and form-control on input elements. You can override that too:
If you remove our css and remove bootstrap, you can write your own css styles into your page for the embed to follow. The class names we use are _oab_button for buttons and _oab_form for input elements.
Once you're all set up, and you know it's working, it's time to put in patron's hands.
Have you rolled it out?
Only click this around when you rollout to patrons. This helps us support you best, and understand how we're doing.Yes
Activate pilot mode?
Pilot mode makes it easy to rollout a pilot. Patrons will know why you're trying something new, be able to give feedback and go back to old way.Yes
Can others contact you to find out about
Yes, sign me up!We know how important outreach is to getting deposits, both from you and champions outside the library. Our hope is that frees up time to do outreach, and makes it more effective as depositing is easier to do and recommend to others.
To make outreach easier, we’ve given every paper a direct link to deposit into your repository.
Once you embed onto your website and use it in any way, we’ll be able to show you a real link.
When you click this link, you’ll be taken direct to the simplest way to deposit your work. You can use them in emails (including to generate mail merges), and be sure that if the paper isn’t already Open Access, the person getting the link will be able to make the work more open.
These are options needed only for the Open Access Button instance of
Are you not a library?
We am not, but we're fans